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Time trial test racing continued at the Samsung World Rowing Cup in Munich, Germany, but with a twist. This round of racing saw rowers using a floating start, time trial scenario. Each boat would line up, one at a time, in lane 7 and start to row towards the 100m mark. With 20m to go before the 100m mark, the starter would call ‘attention, go’. The idea was for crews to be at full speed when the clock would start at the 100m mark. This meant that the race was essentially reduced to a 1900m race.
All of the following races were conducted as floating starts in time trial format.
The weather remained cold with most athletes choosing to bundle up with an extra racing layer, often including long sleeves and leggings. Rain came and went throughout the races, with the water remaining flat.
The rest of the story here: worldrwoing.com

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