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Time trials. The two buzz words circulating around the rowing course of the Samsung World Rowing Cup in Munich, Germany. The International Rowing federation, FISA, is testing the time trial racing format as a potential contingency plan in times of difficult weather conditions.  
The look from the 1972 Olympic grandstand at the Munich course was one of a head race; one boat at a time coming down the course. The following races trialled starting from a fixed start on the 2000m course. The boats then left at 30 second intervals alternating between lane five and six. The finishing times were often quick as the time trial concept meant that crews had to race hard until the end to get a good time to qualify rather than in a normal six-boat-heat situation when the leading boat can potentially do just enough to stay in front or qualify for the next round.
A cold, wintery day greeted the athletes today with rain starting and stopping throughout the morning, but the water was flat with barely a breath of wind. 

The rest of the story here: worldrowing.com

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